Ludum Dare 52: Day 2
Day 2
Day two was all about implementing gameplay and reaching some sort of minimum-viable product (to me that’s a well-earned game over screen). Gameplay shifted toward a type of “tug of war” instead of the progression system we had initially imagined, but it served an identical purpose.
We initially had some issues with the collaboration tools in Godot and so I created a little diagram on how to implement the lighting because I wouldn’t be able to do it myself. I was eventually able to work on the file directly so we didn’t end up using it, but it might be useful to someone (I’m particularly fond of this three-light setup).
I designed the heads-up display to be fairly basic and took inspiration from an old game that came pre-installed on those beautiful translucent chunky iMacs, Bugdom.
I sat down to write some music at the end of the day and ended up spending all night deliriously making this ant-inspired jazz track in Logic. 🐜 🐜 🐜